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Chancellor�s Message

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
Chancellor  - Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Deemed to be University)

My dear graduands,

Today is a significant day in your life when you are obtaining a degree in your area of interest from Karunya.  I congratulate each of you for earning this degree through tireless efforts, with the continued prayers and support of your parents, teachers, friends and well-wishers. I thank you and your parents for choosing Karunya to pursue higher studies. Your teachers have mentored and groomed you to achieve academic excellence and instilled values in you to become responsible citizens of our country.

The employers have vouched for the integrity, loyalty, skills, and remarkable team spirit of the alums of Karunya. You become a true Karunyan when you combine these qualities with �compassion�, which Karunya stands for. It is worthwhile to remember the words in the Scripture, �Whatever you did for one of the least of little brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me�.

You are now leaving the portals of Karunya University to serve humanity and work for human welfare. The convocation is the first milestone from which you climb up the steps of the professional ladder to achieve greater heights. Any time, you are welcome to this campus, which has been a �home away from home for you�

I want to remind you once again of the ancient exhortation from the Book of Isaiah, which is also the motto of Karunya: �Arise and Shine, for your light has come�.�

May God bless each one of you.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
Chancellor, KITS